Random Drivel from your Average Tosser

...with your host, Binty McShae - whether you like it or not!

Friday, December 30, 2005

Farris Fooler's Day(s) Off

Check out how this guy spent Christmas....

Impressive, huh? Pissing off to Iraq to see what it's all about rather than just swallowing the shit peddled by Fux News and the like. Of course this could equally be viewed as stupidity of the highest degree - an American teen wandering around Iraq, drawing crowds by trying to order food using a tourist guidebook..... but looking as he does the guy almost managed to blend in.

I personally would love to see Iraq, just as it is now, simply to see the level of destruction our civilised nations have wreaked on it in the name of progress... I see Iraq now as more of a document of what and where the 'west' is at this moment in time than a reflection of the middle-east, and I think it is important for us all to understand what our own nations are capable of and where they are heading. But I'm not fucking stupid. Regardless of however the Bush Corporation want to describe the situation in Iraq it is still a warzone. People are dying, for fucks sake, and even though I do not think of myself as cowardly in any way I have no intention of even possibly being a casualty.

There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity, but sometimes both can lead to enlightenment, which is what young Farris was seeking. So it was all worthwhile then? "There is a struggle in Iraq between good and evil", he states, "between those striving for freedom and liberty and those striving for death and destruction. Those terrorists are not human but pure evil."

Let me get this straight, young man. You travelled all that way risking life and limb and you still come home sounding like a Bush Soundbite? There's no fucking hope for some people....

Cheers m'dears!


At Saturday, December 31, 2005 8:21:00 am, Blogger Philip said...

Travel broadens the mind, but only if there is something in there to broaden.

At Saturday, December 31, 2005 4:22:00 pm, Blogger Binty McShae said...

Too true, too true.....

At Sunday, January 01, 2006 1:22:00 am, Blogger Foot Eater said...

Nothing broadens the mind more than a dum-dum bullet in the head.

Binty, you sounded worryingly sober in that last comment of yours. Pull your finger out, man.

At Tuesday, January 03, 2006 2:24:00 pm, Blogger Binty McShae said...

Foot, if I had been sober I may have managed more than 4 words.......


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