Take a look at the picture. I don't know about you but it reminds me of a scene from
Schindler's List, or a million and one black and white images from the 1930's and 40's. Except these women are not Jewish. They are Palestinian.
Close to Home, an Israeli film currently on release, focuses on the role of women in Israel's armed forces. In it one of the central characters is asked to check the ID cards of any Palestinians she meets, to which she replies "How do I know who is an Arab?"
Let's play a game... Can you tell me the ethnicity of the following?

Or how about these...?

For fucks sake..........................................
Labels: Films, Middle-East
top left looks like arundhati roy
that was me. not getting the hang of the new site thing yet.
arundhati roy - which would make her indian
One of life's absurdity's Binty. Arabs and Jews are all semitic of course, but I suppose there are those who reckon they can "just tell", not unlike many a wee old wifey who claims to know a Catholic or a Protestant by sight.
"Aye, he's a wee bead rattler so he is....I can tell by his face/voice/eyes etc"
They all look like children of God to me ~ Pity they can't stop hating one another ~ or any of us for that matter ~ I wish everyone could see eachother's less ugly side, and focus on the good we all can do, rather than the hatred ~ it's not so easy as that, though is it?
Michael - it's actually Suheir Hammad, a Palestinian-American artist and poet.
Ill Man - you are so correct with that.
Rodent - Hah! But we're all foreign bastards to someone...
Red - nothing's as easy as that when human-kind is involved.
Oneear - Nice try...
If you ask me, the ones on the left look distinctly English, while the ones on the right are definitely Scottish...
I can tell some are women, and the rest are men. OH! And there are some that seem a bit bloodied. Does that help?
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