Are ad-men simply basket-cases?

Go on, try it. Fall down a few times, counting them, and also count how many times that you get back up again. I guarrantee it will be the same number. Unless you remain prone on your last fall, which will be the opposite of what the advertisement is trying to say. It is physically impossible to get up twice when you only fell once... and so on.
Stupid cunts.
Cheers m'dears!
Labels: Cunts, Language, Sinless City, Sport, Television
An old insult at school was "Go stick your head in a bucket of water 3 times and pull it out twice!"
In Portuguese, someone working in the line of advertizing translates as being in "propaganda & marketing". I've always thought that rather fit...
Ahhh Maths. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it ad men!
Ah Binty, suspend belief and enjoy. Think how boring factual ads would be. No chimps or Smash robots, no crazy horses or sychronised car painting robots,no buff man climbing walls with the milk tray .....the world would be so much duller! !
maybe they meant to say: "get it up" one more time...
This is possible with the use of a small stepladder.
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