What does TB stand for...?

I understand the fact that you were geting married and going on honeymoon, and you didn't want to ruin the 'best day of your life'. But did you ever stop to consider how many other peoples entire lives you might have ruined? The fact that no-one appears to have contracted TB (yet) is irrelevant - they could have. In fact - and I am aware of how extreme this sounds, but it is true nonetheless - you could have started an epidemic.
I say it again. Andrew Speaker - you are a cunt!
Cheers m'dears!
Labels: Cunts, Health, In the News, Rant
Some people just deserve a good glarking
i agree with kim
What do you bet he votes Republican?
There are SOO many reasons this man is a douche-bag.
From the fact that his dad is a TB researcher so that he fucking well should've known better, to the point where CDC found out where he was, told him to STAY THERE, and he flew to Canada to avoid the prohibition and drove in.
Gods.....that such an idiot can AFFORD to have a Honeymoon in Europe is the real crime.
Check out Bill O'Reilly's talking points from last Friday where he addresses this issue:
Mr. O'Reilly points out what should be obvious to us all: this guy is a left wing loonatic secular-progressive. If he were a Christian, he would have never done that because he would care about other people. I would also be willing to be that he is a member of the defeatocRat party.
ohio neocon:Yeah, because the only deciding factor in whether someone is a douche-bag is their political affiliation.
If you read O'Reilly's latest masterpiece, Culture Warrior, you will come to understand how the world really works. We are divided between two camps in the world and the culture war: Traditionalists and Secular Progressives. There is no in between, so yes, if this guy was so unwilling to think of others in travelling the world with TB, he is on the side of the SPs in the Culture War.
I've traveled a good deal in recent months for work, and hearing about things like this makes me all kinds of upset... Homeboy knew damned well that he had no business going anyplace, and he went ahead in spite of the risks. I don't know if a glarking is good enough -- perhaps we should give him an incurable disease... oh wait...
I'm fond of the occasional cunt.
Not so much TB though, to be fair.
Although wait until GB gets into power, that's when the real crisis hits.
Cunts all over the world are upset at being associated with this guy...he gives cunts a bad name (in the almost words of Jon Bon Jovi)
Excuse me, I've had a sherry.
Wow! Ohio neocon, I salute you! Cast iron logic there. Really, it just stands to reason and you totally haven't been taken in by some political hack with a ridiculously simple viewpoint on the world. Don't let anyone tell you that you have! Those Liberals don't have a leg to stand on, do they? I mean, you can't possibly have any morals at all if you're not a Christian. I say we round the fuckers up and put them in detention camps until they repent and embrace the Lord Jesus Christ and the Republican way. You'll be first in line Mr Speaker!!!!!
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