Random Drivel from your Average Tosser

...with your host, Binty McShae - whether you like it or not!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Bone idle...

The good folk from London's Metropolitan Housing Trust got a bit of a shock earlier this year whilst attempting to collect 3 years of back rent from an errant tenant. Having received no answer at the Wood Green residence they decided to drill the door open, discovering in the process a large pile of unopened mail... you can guess what's coming next, can't you!

Investigating the bedsit the Trust employees discovered the occupant lying on her back, dead. This was no slightly-smelly-yet-reasonably-fresh corpse, however, and nor was it a vomit inducing rotting mess. No, after three years in front of the television (still on) and basking in the helpful-to-decomposition glow of the central heating (also still on) poor Ms Vincent had become little more than a skeleton - so much so that the only way to positively identify her was by matching her dental records with a holiday photograph.

Of course an inquest was launched after she was discovered (in January this year), although the police are so far not speculating anything other than death by natural causes. The scant information that has so far been confirmed to the deceased's sisters and other family members, however, essentially indicate that she died sometime in February 2003.

Whoah there skippy.... back up a little.... Sisters? You mean they hadn't fucking noticed!? No-one had thought, "Oh, haven't seen old Joyce for a while. Wonder what she's up to?". Three days, yeah. Three weeks, sure. Three bloody months, even.... but three whole fucking years! And I thought MY family was close....

Actually, can we back that up even further... Television? Heating? Still on!? For Christ's sake, if I missed a payment for three months I'd be cut off! And I bloody wish my landlord would wait three years before coming around for the rent I owe him...

That not enough for you? Read the report here..., you gossip-greedy bastards!

Cheers m'dears!

ps - three years of daytime TV... is that purgatory or simply hell?

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At Monday, April 17, 2006 6:10:00 pm, Blogger Kim Ayres said...

Had no one noticed she wasn't updating her blog?

At Monday, April 17, 2006 6:59:00 pm, Blogger fatmammycat said...

I like that people complained about the smell and yet no one thought, 'hey, wonder what could be causing it?'

At Monday, April 17, 2006 7:04:00 pm, Blogger SafeTinspector said...

That's exactly how I want to die.

At Monday, April 17, 2006 7:05:00 pm, Blogger SafeTinspector said...

(Yes, I meant I want to be dead in front of a running television for four years)

At Tuesday, April 18, 2006 2:51:00 am, Blogger Andraste said...

"...I'll find something GOOD to watch on this bloody television, if it kills me..."

At Tuesday, April 18, 2006 3:28:00 am, Blogger Dr Maroon said...

FMC maybe they assumed she kept cats.

At Tuesday, April 18, 2006 5:24:00 am, Blogger Purring said...

I read that and wondered about family. The article I saw didn't mention any. That's sad. And smelly.

At Tuesday, April 18, 2006 5:34:00 am, Blogger fatmammycat said...

You know Docklington, that litter tray is out on the bloody back balcony, not under my blasted fridge. (it still made me gag though)

At Tuesday, April 18, 2006 12:40:00 pm, Blogger Monstee said...

What a sad, sad story. Me heard her last message on her answering machine was:

"Hi Joyce, it's me. Just wondering how you are since you missed Christmas, AGAIN. Don't be such a stranger. We are your family and we love you. We know you're busy, but we truly want to be there for you and support you in your efforts to break that 'Watching TV' worlds record you keep training for. Hope it going well. Love you! Bye."

At Tuesday, April 18, 2006 5:11:00 pm, Blogger Foot Eater said...

Further to SafeT's and Andraste's comments, I blame the BBC for this tragedy. If they didn't broadcast such a wonderful variety of stimulating and entertaining, high-quality material, the lady wouldn't have felt compelled to sit there neglecting herself like that.

At Tuesday, April 18, 2006 11:05:00 pm, Blogger SheBah said...

It's hard to believe that not one, single person seemed to realise she was not around. If she had cut off from her family you would expect her to know somebody, a colleague, an acquaintance, a neighbour. They say she was surrounded by Christmas presents, so somebody must have cared, but this is London and people just slip through the cracks. A deeply sad story.

At Thursday, April 20, 2006 11:19:00 pm, Blogger Kim Ayres said...

What's really sick about this is the bit from the report that says

Ms Vincent had apparently been a placed in the women's refuge accommodation as a victim of domestic violence

This mans that some kind of bloody social worker ought to have been looking out for her. Who the f*** was in charge of placing her there and seeing that she was ok?

At Sunday, April 23, 2006 5:00:00 am, Blogger west coaster said...

What sickens me is the load of old tosh on the Metropolitan Trust's web-site


Quote - We work closely with our residents to ensure we manage their homes well,provide speedy repairs and give support when it's needed. - Unquote

I hope they have a good look at themselves after this.


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