Random Drivel from your Average Tosser

...with your host, Binty McShae - whether you like it or not!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Hill-billy Orangemen and Scottish Rednecks

No, this is not a bile spitting attack on Protestants in Scotland, though let me state for the record that I (even as a Rangers supporting lapsed-Proddie) cannot stand the fucking ridiculous Orange Order and their provocative marches. Tradition? So was slavery - that doesn't make it a good idea! That aside, I just want to bring the origin of the Hillbilly and the Redneck to your attention (especially Doc M and Tubthumper).

It appears that the world has oor ain guid fowk to thank for naming those rural off-shoots of Homo Sapien (modern urban evolutions of these sub-humans include the Ned, the Chav and the England Footballer... sorry, irresistible). Most interesting to me is the fact that hillbilly was indeed a term used to describe the original Orangemen (supporters of King 'Billy' of Orange). I'm not sure whether the smart bowler hat wouldn't just look out of place in Clampitt-ville, but I suppose there is a possible connection, as emphasised by the small minded bigotry often shared between the two 'Orders'.

Cheers m'dears!

Acknowledgement:- I found the link above when I randomly ended up at the macbean gene blog.


At Wednesday, January 18, 2006 7:12:00 pm, Blogger Justin said...

Bowler hat? Orange? sorry I always think Godot or Aymara.

At Wednesday, January 18, 2006 8:58:00 pm, Blogger The MacBean Gene said...

Thanks for stopping by and your comment. Pleased that I could provide some blog fodder. I really shouldn't be suprised about the kilt knock offs from SE Asia since they seem to be copying everything from crocks to condoms. I don't think I'd feel too safe using the later. I must confess I shop at Walmart but only because most of the local stores don't have the selection. At least that's my rationalzation.

At Thursday, January 19, 2006 2:26:00 am, Blogger michael the tubthumper said...

unfortunatley there are some more sinister people that claim the scottish heritage. i tried to debunk them here

At Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:15:00 am, Blogger Binty McShae said...

MacBean, living (as I do) in SE Asia let me assure you that most of the 'copies' manufactured are just as good as their originals, if not better. The only difference is they are produced more cheaply. I understand your position regarding jobs being moved from your country to Asia, but that's because this region is poorer and therefore cheaper. This is a situation that the Western World seems in no hurry to rectify, so it appears to me that we are in a large part to blame for creating the opportunities for companies to acquire cheap labour, and therefore in part to blame for the loss of jobs in our own countries.

I know it's a simplistic viewpoint, but most on this subject (including yours) are.

Michael - great post! I was horrified a few years ago to discover that some White Supremacist groups use the kilt as their uniform. To have one of our national symbols being appropriated in this way, and become associated in the minds of others with those bastards.... Scotland has enough racists of its own without being turned into a spiritual home for those in the rest of the world!

Incidentally, there is also evidence to sufggest that the people we know as the Celts originated as a nomadic tribe in the Indian sub-continent, travelling over a large period of time through the Middle-East, northern Africa, up through Spain and France, to Cornwall, Ireland and eventually Scotland.

At Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:22:00 am, Blogger The MacBean Gene said...

I'm sold, tell me where to order. And I agree with you totally on the Western Worlds attitude.
You are very perceptive, as I am very simple.
We still have a lot of those KKK types in this area. When my wife, who is African American, and I were looking for a home in this area we found a very nice little place in Elamsville, Va. When we checked out the neighborhood on the internet this http://www.adl.org/learn/Events_2001/events_archive_2004.asp?XStateArc=VA came up. Needless to say we looked elsewhere.
I think because so many around here are descendents of Ulster-Scots (including myself) they have unfortunatly adopted that part of their heritage for their regalia. Is it a coincidence that the Confederate flag bears the same cross in a different color as the Scotish flag?

At Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:40:00 pm, Blogger Binty McShae said...

Mac, did a long-winded post in response... needless to say my damn PC screwed it up. So here is the gist of it...

Don't know specific kilt places... blah, blah... try search engine... blah, blah... KKK = Wankers... blah, blah... Lots of flgs have saltire (diagonal cross) but I get your point... blah, blah... don't agree with everything you say on your blog, but hey - that's life... blah, blah... I misjudged you and made assumptions that changed after reading your post on the M L King funeral. Anyone of your generation who braved a mixed race relationship deserves high praise... I raise a glass to both you and your no doubt lovely wife!!

I think that about covers it....

At Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:49:00 pm, Blogger The MacBean Gene said...

Yes, she is lovely and I love her more then life itself and she me.

At Friday, January 20, 2006 8:42:00 am, Blogger Binty McShae said...

Justin, Justin.... how remiss of me! Just noticed I never replied to your comment at the top there. I see exactly where you are coming from... Orange and Bowlers makes me think Anthony Burgess / Stanley Kubrick, personally.

At Thursday, April 06, 2006 10:07:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We still have a lot of those KKK types in this area. When my wife, who is African American, and I were looking for a home in this area we found a very nice little place in Elamsville, Va. When we checked out the neighborhood on the internet this http://www.adl.org/learn/Events_2001/events_archive_2004.asp?XStateArc=VA came up. Needless to say we looked elsewhere.

Sounds like the Klan's been doing something good for white people then.

SW VA has enough native race-mixers that we don't need more scum moving here.

At Friday, April 07, 2006 8:38:00 am, Blogger Binty McShae said...

Native race-mixers are more than welcome here, Bill. What isn't welcome is racist bile.

And as a white person I dispute that what the Klan has been doing is 'good' for us. If you had said "Sounds like the Klan's been doing something good for neo-nazi's like me then" you would have perhaps been more accurate.


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