Keep on warrin' for the free world!

Now, if you believe the propoganda this 'truce' is being offered because OBL has been weakened by the might of the Good Ol' U.S. of A. and their allies. Possibly true, but this does not mean that the threat is over. Bin Laden's star has been eclipsed over recent months by other extremists, including his own deputies. Just because he may be on the decline and looking for a way out does not mean that his followers are as well.
What the bravado war-mongers of our nations fail to acknowledge is that terrorism is usually a reaction against something. Initially the groups that T.W.A.T. is being waged against were very extreme 'idealists' with a vision of a world very different to the west. However , the modern 'enemy' is those who have adopted extremism to combat the injustice of - wait for it - the sweeping generalisation that is The War Against Terror!
People who would not take up arms against what they saw as a decadent society half-way around the world, simply because it meant nothing to them, are now reacting in anger because that society is interfering in their lives. T.W.A.T. is no longer the solution (if it ever was) - it has, instead, become a main part of the problem.
Think this is crazy talk? For the last 40-odd years politics in Palestine have been dominated by the Fatah party who justifiably seek more rights and freedoms for their people from Israel but choose to do this in a relatively moderate manner with diplomacy at the fore. This week they were ousted by Hamas, a party denounced in the west as one of the very terrorist organisations we are at 'war' with. The organisation has claimed responsibility for almost 60 suicide attacks since the year 2000 alone and has long called for Israels total destruction.
To be fair that demand was dropped from their election manifesto and they have adhered to a truce for almost a year. But this still signals that attitudes in the Middle East and beyond are rapidly changing, and not the way that Bush would like.
Cheers m'dears!
I'm away for a bit to usher in the New Lunar Year - the Chinese Year of the Dog is just beginning.... see you all in a week!